Automate and Improve with Our DevOps Services

We can help you realize the benefits of DevOps—without the pitfalls. Velicis DevOps services help you streamline workflows and improve operations.

Advantages With Velicis​

We assess your IT infrastructure, align with your business goals, and evaluate your technology stack to identify the optimal strategies and solutions that best meet your unique needs and drive growth

Find Opportunities

We analyze the market and competitors, then dive deep into your user personas and current technology to craft a targeted strategy

Lay the Foundation

We create style concepts, draft initial designs, build a prototype, and provide a cost estimate with a clear timeline

Monitor and Support

Our iterative process allows for continuous feedback, testing, and integration, ensuring the final product meets your needs perfectly

Streamline Processes

We streamline processes, reduce wait times, and automate reviews to accelerate projects from requirements to release

Remove Silos

We break down silos between development and operations to improve communication and align priorities

Fill Knowledge Gaps

Our DevOps experts optimize your IT infrastructure and streamline workflows, ensuring maximum ROI

Our DevOps Services

Our DevOps specialists help you achieve greater efficiency and productivity.

DevOps Consulting

Our DevOps consulting utilizes best practices to boost delivery speed, enhance release quality, cut costs, and reduce operational risks.

Develop Business Goals: Set clear objectives aligned with your overall strategy.

Prioritize Needs vs. Wants: Focus on essential tasks that drive value.

Maximize Your ROI: Optimize resources and streamline efforts for better returns.

Infrastructure Automation

Infrastructure automation leverages technology to automate repetitive tasks across hardware, software, networking, operating systems, and data storage management. Our service reduces IT costs, minimizes human error, and alleviates the burden on your administrative staff, delivering immediate value to users

Address Your Pressing Needs: Quickly resolve critical infrastructure challenges.

Boost Productivity: Automate tasks to free up valuable time and resources.

Reduce Costs: Lower operational expenses through efficient automation.


Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) leverage automation to merge code changes from multiple developers into a unified application. This allows for parallel development of different features while providing full visibility into the application lifecycle—from integration and testing to delivery and deployment

Infrastructure Monitoring

Infrastructure monitoring tracks hardware, network, and application performance, collecting and analyzing data to identify opportunities for leveraging technology to enhance value and drive better business outcomes

DevOps Configuration

Configuration management leverages technology to automate and monitor system administration, infrastructure management, and deployment tasks. It ensures servers, systems, and software remain in a consistent, desired state amid changes, preventing configuration drift. Integrated version control and detailed system configuration tracking help avoid duplication and maintain stability


Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the development, deployment, and management of applications at scale. It enables service discovery, workload balancing, resource allocation tracking, and scalable operations based on system utilization.

Our team helps you implement Kubernetes to streamline the orchestration of containerized applications, ensuring portability across on-premise, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments while maintaining operational consistency

Cloud-Native Development

Cloud-native development focuses on building applications using containers, microservices, and dynamic orchestration. Cloud-native DevOps allows businesses to optimize processes with the automation and scalability of containers and Kubernetes

Our experts can help you develop cloud-native systems that are scalable, adaptable, and resilient, ensuring robust performance in dynamic environments


Terraform is an open-source Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool that enables efficient management of your infrastructure. Our team can help you integrate IaC with Terraform to enhance cross-team collaboration, prevent configuration drift, and increase flexibility

With its masterless architecture, Terraform allows you to manage configurations and distribute updates without the need for a master node, reducing both infrastructure and maintenance costs

DevOps on AWS, Azure, and

Velicis can swiftly set you up on leading cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). These platforms offer scalable and flexible services, enabling rapid and reliable product development and delivery

Many cloud services are programmable and support automation, enhancing cost efficiency and operational effectiveness

Custom software development for any size business


Build a robust digital presence, boost brand awareness, and drive sustained growth.


Enhance customer engagement, strengthen loyalty, and expand your market reach.


Streamline operations, boost productivity, and enhance brand visibility.