Clean, Modern UX and UI

Velicis UX/UI design team delivers fresh, custom designs for software products, websites, and mobile apps. Our human-centered design solutions make the user experience perfect from the first click!

It's No Secret

An intuitive, well-crafted UI ensures users can quickly find what they need in your product. The real challenge is creating an experience they truly love.

Question Everything

Our UX review uncovers what works and what doesn’t in your product. After a thorough analysis, we provide actionable recommendations for improvement.

Iterate Often

UX design ensures every interaction is easy and enjoyable. We identify the essential information needed at each step of the user journey.

Craft on Display

We will create interfaces that are visually appealing, intuitive, and aligned with your branding objectives.

Deep Research

We conduct in-depth research into your business and market, allowing us to deliver solutions precisely tailored to your needs.

Timeless Design

Enjoy the confidence of a digital product that operates seamlessly for years, free from the worry of becoming outdated.

Increasing Value

Looking to boost your product's value, customer loyalty, and engagement? We craft design strategies specifically to achieve these goals.

Get a fresh UX/UI design as
unique as your business

Our design process has been refined over time to a UX/UI that’s tailored to your ideal users.

Product Discovery

Personas, derived from real audience data, represent your typical users – their behaviors, goals, motivations, and backgrounds. Our expert designers use analytics, customer interviews, focus groups, and market research to envision your ideal customers and define their goals. If needed, we can conduct this research for you.

Business Goals: Align product development with strategic objectives.

User Requirements: Understand user needs and expectations.

Market Research: Analyze the market to uncover opportunities and validate demand.

Rapid Ideation

Before developing your software solution or mobile app, we start with wireframes – visual sketches that outline functionality and user behavior. Wireframe testing is a crucial part of our UX/UI design process, allowing for iterative feedback to ensure the project stays aligned with your vision and objectives.

Information Architecture: Structure content for intuitive navigation and usability.

Wireframes: Create early visual layouts to focus on functionality and user experience.


Our team creates digital prototypes based on agreed design concepts, enabling you and your users to experience and test the envisioned product. Feedback gathered during prototype testing helps us refine and validate the design, ensuring the final product aligns perfectly with your requirements.

Visual Design: Develop appealing and user-friendly interfaces.

Style Guide & Design Systems: Ensure consistency in design and branding.

Prototype and Test: Build prototypes and conduct testing to refine the user experience.


Custom software development for any size business


Build a robust digital presence, boost brand awareness, and drive sustained growth.


Enhance customer engagement, strengthen loyalty, and expand your market reach.


Streamline operations, boost productivity, and enhance brand visibility.